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Visiting Lecturer Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice for Visiting Lecturers, External Examiners, Consultants and Teaching Support Payees

How is your information collected?

We collect personal information from you when you complete and submit your:

  1. ‘New Payee Set Up Form for Lecturers, Consultants or Teaching Support payees’
  2. Fee and expense claim form
  3. HMRC’s Starter Checklist form.


What information do we collect from you?

On the New Payee Set Up Form we request you provide the following personal data:

  • Your Name and Date of Birth
  • Your contact details – address, contact telephone and email address
  • Your bank or building society details.

We also request special category data such as about your national insurance number, gender, nationality, country of birth, ethnic group, and disability status. 

We are not able to process payment of fees unless you provide us with your completed set up form. We also require you complete and provide to the University - HMRC’s Starter Checklist Form.

HMRC’s Starter Checklist Form collects information needed before your first payday to tell HMRC about you and help Edge Hill University use the correct tax code. 

On fee claim forms we request you confirm your name and national insurance number. This information supports match of your claim form to your Staffing & Payee Information System (Resourcelink) record.


How do we use your information?

The purpose of these forms is to:


Legal Basis

Collect information to set up a record for you on our Staffing & Payee Information System (Resourcelink).


Legal Obligation


Legitimate Interest

Facilitate payment to you of fees and taxable and non-taxable expenses submitted and processed on Fee Claim forms.


Legal Obligation


Legitimate Interest

To collect contact information to support contact with you about payment, supply you with pay documentation, and send you relevant assignment communications.

Legal Obligations

Legitimate interest


Enable collection of data for statutory reporting purposes.


Legitimate Interest

Legal Obligation

Public Interest

Enable collection of data to facilitate monitoring of Edge Hill University’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion commitments and use of visiting lecturers, external examiners, consultants, and teaching support providers.


Legitimate Interest

Legal Obligation

Public Interest

 Edge Hill University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion. One of the important ways in which we can judge the effectiveness of our equality and diversity plans is to monitor the diversity of stakeholders Edge Hill University engage.

Who do we share your information with?

The University share your data with specific organisations, including:

Organisation/ Group

Purpose of Sharing the Information  

Legal Basis

Agents of the University, such as Pension or International Payroll Providers

For administration of pension, if relevant.

To support international payment, if relevant.

Legitimate interest

Legal Obligation


Edge Hill University departments

To support core University activity we may share name, payroll reference number and engagement dates with other EHU departments. This is to ensure you have appropriate user accounts (e.g., IT login) and access to University services (e.g., the library, etc) whilst engaged with Edge Hill University. 

Legitimate Interest


To support University response to freedom of information, statutory and monitoring requests. Please note data is anonymised and supplied in summary format.

Legitimate interest

Legal Obligation

To support international payment or advance payment of fees/expenses, your information may be shared with Finance. Information supplied are payroll number, name, and bank details. Legitimate interest

External and Internal Auditors

To facilitate audit of Finance and Payroll University returns and practices.

Legal obligation; Public Interest/ official authority; Legitimate interests;

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

To support the annual staff HESA return. All HE providers in the UK send anonymised data about their staff and workers to HESA at the end of the academic year. 

 For more information on what HESA does with your anonymised personal data see the HESA collection notice:

Legal Obligation/ Public interest/ Official Authority


For workers based in the UK, Payroll confirm your National insurance, tax, student loan payments, and statutory payments to the Inland Revenue

Legal Obligation

Isle of Man Government

For visiting lecturers, examiners, consultants or teaching support practitioners based in the Isle of Man, Payroll supply confirmation of NI, tax, student loan payments and statutory payments to Isle of Man.

Legal Obligation

Law enforcement agencies

As per the law.

Legal Obligation

Vital Interests of the data subject

Legal Advisers

On rare occasions, and specific to case work where knowing identity is required, Edge Hill may share name and engagement information with the University’s legal advisers.

Legitimate Interest

Reference requests 

To support the provision of basic employment references where you have named Edge Hill University as a referee to be contacted. 

Legitimate interest

 The University will ensure organisations use your data in line with data protection legislation. In many cases the University does not need to seek your consent to share this information when there is a legal or statutory obligation to provide the information. 

In emergency situations the University may share your personal data, including sensitive personal data with organisations /individuals such as a medical professional, the police service. 


How do we keep your information secure?

The University has robust Information Security policies in place to protect your information. All staff in the University have a responsibility to make sure that your data is handled securely. 

The University’s Information Security Policy and Data Protection Policy can be found on the website:


How long do we keep your information?

Your Staffing & Payee Information System (Resourcelink) record will remain live for no more than 6 months after your last claim is submitted. Payroll aim to close records where an engagement is advised as single occurrence only within one month of the pay claim being processed. 

Your record and fee claim forms will be kept for a defined retention period and only as long as is necessary. Retention periods may be informed by statutory requirements, for example HMRC Starter Checklist is required to be retained for at least the current and previous 3 tax years. 

The University’s retention schedule can be found on the website. 


Additional Notices and guidance/policies 

Your rights

You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  1. To have access to your personal data
  2. To have inaccurate or incomplete personal data amended
  3. To have your personal data deleted – this will only apply when there is no legitimate reason for the University to continue to use your personal data 
  4. To restrict the use of your personal data 
  5. To request personal information in a digital form so that you can provide to other organisations
  6. To object to automated decision making and profiling 
  7. To withdraw consent when we have used consent as the basis for using your information 

The University has a range of policies to support these rights. These are accessible from the following link: 

If you wish to exercise your rights, you are advised to first read these policies as there are some exceptions to using your rights. For example, it is a statutory duty for the University to send some of your information to HESA (the Higher Education Statistics Agency) each year.  In this case you could not apply to restrict this use of your information. 

Any requests to use your rights over your personal data should be made to the Data Protection Officer. 

Concerns and Contact Details

If you have any concerns or complaints about this notice or about the way your personal data is being used, please contact the data protection officer at:

Email:, or


Data Protection Officer

Edge Hill University

St Helens Road



L39 4QP

Edge Hill University is the Data Controller for the personal data that it holds about you. 

If you are not happy with the way the University has handled your concern or complaint then you may submit a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, further details can be found at:


Changes to this Notice 

This Notice has been developed to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Bill 2017. This Notice is regularly reviewed and sometimes updated. It is important that you check for updates to this Notice. Updates can be made at any time and the most up to date version will be found at (web link). If we make significant changes, we will contact you to inform you of this. 


Document Title

Privacy Notice for Visiting Lecturers, External Examiners, Consultants and Teaching Support Payees

Document Owner

Human Resources, Finance

Last reviewed

February 2022




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